Comments on Google Caffeine
Google Caffeine is the name of the next version of Google’s algorithm system will launch early next year. It seems that Google Caffeine will be more meaningful than a regular update of Google. It will almost certainly be seen as a major revolution in the calculations Google uses to rank websites.
What will change?
Of course, Google has not revealed any details of Google Caffeine. However, this new index on the test server and some Google employees talking about it. The following factors may play a more important role in Google Caffeine:
Speed website: if your website is to keep the speed to a crawl, it’s hard to get pretty rank on Google.
Number of of Brocken link: if your website contains many dead links will adversely affect the position of the website in Google search results.
The poor-quality web link: Link to the spam page with many links from spam pages that are not good for your rankings in Google’s existing classification algorithms. Adverse effects of the linked pages that will certainly worse when evaluated by analysis of Google Caffeine.
Overall quality of websites: the new Google algorithm system will look more carefully to the overall quality of your website. There are one or two ranking factors is not enough.
Website content requires stable, highly optimized, web interface design beautiful, attractive with a clear structure, good inbound links and pop-up advertising rates low. The number of bookmarks on social networking sites may have a larger role in the system of ranking criteria.
Factors such as age website as well as its history and reputation, etc … also still have a role in this new measure of Google. However, the impact of other factors on the ranking website may vary slightly for each role.
How to tune your website to suit the criteria by Google Caffeine?
But now the latest version of Google Caffeine has not been released, but there are some things you can do to increase the chances of your website ranking well in Google’s new index:
Remove all of the spam factor in the website. Any factors that may be considered spam sooner or later will adversely affect the position of the website. It can camouflage the text background color similar websites and completely automatic connection mode.
Check the design and navigation of the site. Your Website should have a nice interface, eye-catching and professional feels. Website easy to understand and structure of interior dug easily allow the search engine analysis and selection.
Create links to and from the social bookmark site. The link which has played a very important role in the current analysis algorithms of Google and it further increases the importance of the upcoming version of Google Caffeine.
Check out the link. You should not link to the website “look-have-seen-as-spam”, better to focus on the link quality has been selected instead of trying to get many links as possible.
Caffeine plan will be released after the upcoming New Year’s holiday. If you follow the tips above, your website will at least get a good position when the new measure of Google officially put into operation.