How to Fight Auto Logout In OpenCart
In the process I do sell accessories Technology ( I get an error is automatically logout of admin time so short that it does not do anything, after a while I use a tricksmall is used how automatic refesh in a certain time.
This error sometimes occurs only in IE, if you need to use IE but this fails then switch to firefox offline, the stimulus package chrome also.
you put the following code in the header.tpl file in the following path: admin / view / template / common / header.tpl
function pingServer() {
$.ajax({ url: location.href });
$(document).ready(function() {
setInterval('pingServer()', 20000);
Have you put this code into in phannhe. This is not very good but it also helps you to solve the problem, if you have a better way, then comment below for everyone to reference offline.
Hope this code help you any trouble like me and you do not want to automatically logout when opening the computer, when you shutdon then reopen it it is not in the find log head start.