Change password by FPT wordpress
Step 2: Go to the website theme that you are using wp-content/themes/them_hien_tai.
Step 3: Find the function.php file, open it in editorStep 4: Add this code to the function.php file opened, saved and uploaded. A value of 1 is the id of the user, the default value for the user ID in wordpress first by 1, so I will always rely on it to reset the password.
Step 5: go to log in as administrator or login you alone: ten_website / wp-admin
Step 6: Enter the user name and password which you will need to change, be recorded in the file above function. When it will not directly into WordPress admin page instead execute the command line is that we have declared above, then new to the site administrator. So we’ve reset the password and then
Step 7: Open the function.php file, delete the lines of code inserted on the go, save the back ups. This is simple if we do not delete it when WordPress will also repeat step 6. Every password reset. Ends completely change password
This method is faster than the way we change password link in phpMyAdmin as his guide had put on it. Very interesting this way must not