What is PageRank? experience seo top google
PageRank (Page Rank) or Ranking abbreviated PR translates as page rank. When it comes to people often think of PageRank Google PageRank. It is a Web page ranking system of the search engine in order to arrange the order of priority of the URL in the search results page.
PageRank was developed at Stanford University by Larry Page (hence the name PageRank) and then by Sergey Brin as part of a new search engine project.
According to Google briefly PageRank only be assessed from the associated system path. The more you get pages of links pointing to your page, how important is increasing. But it is only the most rudimentary concepts that Google rarely formal notice. In fact, far more complex PageRank algorithm. And fortunately so, otherwise the Google search results page will no longer be trusted by those who abuse its algorithm, and maybe so, SEO is an art of pen and paper consuming Webmaster .
Google PageRank displayed in Google Toolbar is an integer from 0 to 10. PageRank unit logarithmic rate based on the volume of links pointing to the quality of the web page but the link comes.
Note that other PageRank Alexa Rank Vietnamese that Webmaster is preferred.